Friday, November 19, 2010

♥ Moving out ♥

Had compeleted cleaning the teachers' quarters. It wasn't that easy and it almost took me about 2 weeks to get everything done. I'm currently staying in the new house and slept here since yesterday which was in Nov, 19th,2010.
. However, there are a few books and stuffs which are still in my previous house.
My fridge and also my washing machine.
The kakak will have nothing when i carry these two to the other house which is just next door hahahaahha....
Thsnks to my students who were a good helper. I couldn't do it on my own.
I haven't met with my 'honey' for quite some time now. We really miss each other and we can't wait to meet up:) My life is quite challenging to have a fiance' who is working aside from the government. He has to go outstation and all. I don't know whether he will be home when we get married.
I can't think much now as what to write. My mind is so sleepy that my mind is eager to shut down my processor hub.
Till then, i guess!