Thursday, February 4, 2010

Playing 'Tags'

Today was a bit harsh!
My fiance has long went outstation in the morning leaving me unattended with any homework sheets to do.
In the end, i got boring! I was left alone with the cutest but develish creature who are accompanying me...However, i have no single idea where they are now.
Sleeping , i guess.
Am locked up in a well-built,incomplete furniture, haunted house.
There are no such thing as flying ghosts in the midnight, or scary vamps coming to chump up all my left over dinner. It's haunted because of the rats who resides in this home once.
A once abandoned house for almost a year or two keeps the rats happily celebrating their bunch of night parties every night. That's where the smells came from. I think they drink beers too hahahah...
Staying just for a couple of hours in this creepy, smelly house came a flawless and naive plan. I rather not just sit on this couch writing and grumbling on the stinging Body odour these devilish creatures are making...
I got up and got me a broom stick, gripping it firmly in my left hand. I was later, on the verge of hunting mice. I saw one earlier ago, but i only could see it through the corner of my eyes. It didn't helped me much of its coordinates.
I was still hanging on tightly to the broom when i saw another one. "playing tags, huh!" I'm gonna be 'it', and i'll sure gonna smack one down.
They remain calm at one's position. While, i was waiting for them to come out.
Sitting on the chair banging the wooden stick of the broom on the table, i realized i was enjoying the game. But, in the end, i surrendered!
These creatures just have so much patient compare to men!


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